In our daily life, we face problems, decisions, and possible »mistakes« which is why problem-based learning is a part of the educational process. It certainly matters how these problems appear, how they influence us, and how we wish to solve them with the help of objective judgments. And here starts the basic orientation of Design studio Fikfak, where we focus to follow the methods of experiential learning:

Tell me and I forgetteach me and I may rememberinvolve me and I learn” (Benjamin Franklin). ...

Where direct involvement in learning together is unforgettable.



LEGO exhibition

Selected models of the LEGO workshop are presented in the MAO chapel


final exhibition of student projects 2022/2023

Jane’s Walk Beltinci 22.3.2023

New Issue of (CG)!

IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI (IU) – teorija in praksa urejanja prostora / CREATIVITY GAME (CG) – Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning (

International Week Malmö, Sweden 13.-17.2.2023

In February, students from our seminar took part in the International week workshop. This year, the Mapping Inequalities workshop took place in Malmö, Sweden. During the workshops, students learned about the city and its social and economic aspects through tours, project work and other activities.

LEGO workshop 10.1.2023

We started the year 2023 with an interesting collaboration with the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO). With a large supply of LEGO bricks recently donated to the museum by Mija Razpotnik, we came up with the idea to organise a student workshop on recreating Plečnik's works with this simple but eternal toy.


Erasmus+ Programme KA2 SAFE kick-off meeting 5.12.2022

Sustainable Accessible Future Environments

Glamping Brezice 14.11.2022

Final projects from Studio Fikfak 2021 / 2022 students

2th -4th year

Final projects from Studio Fikfak 2022 students - 1st year

Rural Planning 2021/2022

Rural Architecture 2021/2022

Concepts, visions and analysis of project locations - studio work 2022

Student award Maks Fabiani 2021

for the work entitled: “Kompozicija kraške vasi” (Composition of a Karst Settlement)

Author: Kaja Žnidaršič, student of the second-cycle master's study program Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
Mentors: prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, asist. Janez P. Grom, asist. Kristijan Lavtižar

More information at:

Savinjska regija /26.10.

Spregledani prostor


Digitalna platforma Europe Readr med predsedovanjem Slovenije Svetu EU približuje bralcem po vsem svetu aktualna družbena vprašanja. 

Pričujoča instalacija je krovni projekt slovenskega predsedovanja Evropski Uniji.

Pri projektu so sodelovali študenti z različnih področij prostorskih, umetniških in tehničnih študijev in se učili skozi delo. Cilj je, da projekt pospeši trajno zavedanje o kakovosti življenja, ki presega potrošnjo in potrošniški tempo, in spodbudi potrebo po branju in pridobitvi znanja. 

V "Moji bralni sobi" se bo vse do konca septembra zvrstilo več zanimivih dogodkov za vse generacije, ki jih organizirajo lokalni akterji in nacionalni instituti za kulturo EU.

Vabilo na pravljice.jpg


Markezina greda model.gif
Screenshot 2020-09-14 at 11.38.56.png

CITY STREET 4 CONFERENCE 23-26 September 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia

How can the evolution of streets be referred to societal critique on current transport systems and mobility patterns? Would integrated and universal mobility in streets of 2030 lead us to a solution for problems related to climate change, environmental degradation, social integration and exclusion, road accidents and casualties, urban traffi c congestion, public health, and urban quality- of-life etc? Do technical dimensions and impacts of transport systems follow a critical refl ection on the current societal and cultural dimensions of such systems? Do we see cycling and walking in the near future as a way to respond on questions of accessibility, traveltime, reliability, safety, security etc. of the urban environments?