In this realistically virtual school year, 1st year of students in the bachelor study program of urbanism worked on the former Tobacco Factory area in Ljubljana. In the first, realistic and so-called ordinary study process, after the introductory presentations of the purpose and goals of the seminar work and multiple guided visits on the area, they first made working models that served to learn, concretize and understand the diversity of the area. All the work soon moved online due to the pandemic and transform the form of study work into the online home study work. In the following process, they got to know the key concepts and elements which they will need in their later time of study process through 4 short tasks centered around individual emphases. Tasks were about building typology, urban indicators, streets, and open public spaces and squares. During the assignment, concrete starting points from familiar real and abstract space were constantly exchanging. Based on this, everyone prepared his proposal and vision of the area in question, where they highlighted their starting points of decisions and the level of preservation of the existing one. The works do not represent a conclusion but a process in progress, a decision for one's path, pursuing set goals, finding compromises, and thinking about the concrete contexts. Due to the complexity and historically rich area, the works do not give definitive answers, but the response of each individual who, on his initial path of study, faced the questions that a concrete space offers: preserve or demolish? , deviation from steady or continuity? , create your context, or follow an existing one? , how high? , how intense? Etc. This created a laboratory atmosphere for the students in which they could afford significantly more freedom in decisions and design than they would otherwise.

Mentors: Izr.prof.dr. Alenka Fikfak, doc. Aleksander Ostan, doc. Dr. Matevž Juvančič Assist. Janez P. Grom, Kristjan Lavtižar, technical assist.. Nina Povše

Students: Urša Irman, Lana Bavcon, Tadej Gregorič, Blaž Parežnik, Ivana Gligorovska, Tisa Lozej, Vladimir Tripkovič, Lovro Pinter, Franc Jakob Planinšek, Borjan Nikolovski, Jana Tomčič, Hana Kedič, Manca Povšin, Žan Ložar, Eva Kožar, Lucija Osolnik, Teja Golob, Anja Pivaš, Maja Vučko, Elma Mehurović, Urša Švagelj, Pia Winkler, Matic Traven, Žana Križanič, Nejc Razpotnik, Eva Malerič.


In the winter semester, students of the 5th year of architecture and 4th year of urbanism (1st year of master's degree) developed modern ideas of living in both program and design terms. The work in groups was intended for critical assessment and verification of various possibilities of arranging the Kredo area in the municipality of Izola, with emphasis on the design of modern lower density housing units and public open spaces (connection with surroundings, footpaths, recreation, small complementary activities, etc.). The research of the modern contents was focused on checking the capacity of the area and showing spatial interventions in the evaluation of the Kredo location. In the development ideas, students introduced modern forms of living with the involvement of users, with an emphasis on living among greenery and view towards the sea. They tried to establish the communities in the relations between the inhabitants of the Kredo area and the agricultural. They created a market space, open spaces for socializing and recreation, different building typologies, connected urban and green space, and more, but these are just some of the ideas that students included in the idea of ​​the future image of the new residential district Kredo in Izola.

Mentors: Izr.prof.dr. Alenka Fikfak, Assist. Janez P. Grom, Kristjan Lavtižar

Associates: Aleš Švigelj, Marko Lazič

Students: Taja Fišter, Tjaša Bregar, Neli Zajc, Nastja Utroša, Sara Dauti Ramadani, Nina Povše, Mara Vogrinec, Dora Gabrijel, Dylan Gubbels, Luka Jereb, Nik Žagar, Miha Šetina, Nuša Jerič, Urška Jernej, Lara Zalokar, Katarina Končina, Karin Pavlovec, Ardita Agaj, Dragana Božović, Flutra Kelmendi, Jelena Todorović, Stefan Antić, Matej Kolar, Gabrijela Petrovčič, Janvit Sabadin, Alenka Bratec, Bor Kajzer, Nikolas Ettner.


Research on the current and future capacity of urban and landscape space has focused on minimal interventions, the so-called development factors, which define and influence on the characteristics of key development areas and promote the development of social and cultural capital. Seminar assignments of the 1st year master programme of urbanism in the summer semester were focused on understanding the importance of cooperation and inclusion in social ties and networks. Undoubtedly, the situation of staying at home additionally influenced on the consideration of the importance of a sense, belonging, trust, and solidarity of an individual in the community and his role in the modern and future communities as a key factor in space and dynamics of development. All these thoughts are intertwined within the tasks which include topics: healthy neighborhood, the importance of greenery in the neighborhood, building type development as a neighborhood model, port infrastructure scenario, water as a connecting element in the city, sustainable mobility and integration in space, student campus transformation, user movement in urban space, urban revitalization, design of a residential neighborhood with public ground floors, recreational areas as connecting elements in the urban space, revitalization of the city center and urban emptiness, a transformation of the industrial area, living with water, etc.

Mentors: Izr.prof.dr. Alenka Fikfak, Assist. Janez P. Grom, Kristjan Lavtižar

Associates: Aleš Švigelj, Marko Lazič

Students: 1ST year – Master programme of urbanism Dora Gabrijel, Dylan Gubbels, Lara Zalokar, Miha Šetina, Tjaša Bregar, Neli Zajc, Nina Povše, Luka Jereb, Nik Žagar, Nuša Jerič, Urška Jernej

5th year – Master programme of Architecture Andrej Majdič, Nastja Utroša