Final Works


A second cycle graduation thesis or master’s thesis is written under the mentorship of a chosen teacher members of evaluation committee contribute additional guidelines and instructions, the thesis is presented publically after the completion of studies, it has to contain an introduction with starting points and the definition of the problem, a working hypothesis, method, description, analysis of space and a project task with the technical–graphic part. The work proceedings, results and correction of hypothesis, discussion, summary and references have to be presented. As a rule, complex tasks in spatial planning are dealt with in a master thesis, and complex solutions are offered based on knowledge acquired during the studies with individual research work.


A graduation thesis is written under the mentorship of a chosen teacher. At the end of the studies, the work is publicly presented. It has to include an introduction with starting points and a definition of the problem, a method, a description of the work process, results, a description of the problem, work method, expected results; analysis of the space, a project assignment and the technical–graphic part. As a rule less demanding tasks of spatial planning, and give solutions reached by knowledge obtained during the studies