
Year: 2014-20

Project procurement: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia 

Project leader - ULFA: assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak

Members - ULFA: assist. Janez P. Grom, Kristijan Lavtižar, Miha Konjar

Partners: Grad Jastrebarsko, Turistička zajednica grada Jastrebarskog, Občina Črnomelj, Razvojno informacijski center Bela krajina, Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, Univerza v Ljubljani, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univerza v Ljubljani, Faculty of Architecture

About the project: The project with the acronym kulTura and the title »The heritage of Jaska and Črnomelj can also be 'cool'. For all.” Was approved within the Public tender for the submission of projects of the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia Cooperation Program in the period 2014-2020. 

The goal of the project is to activate unrecognizable and restore decaying cultural heritage for sustainable tourism pre-battle of small border towns. For this purpose, a new cross-border tourist product called "kulTura" will be developed and tested in Jaska and Črnomelj, and then we will encourage its expansion to other tourist undeveloped border towns. "Culture" will be simple, different, slow. There will be a ‘cool’ tour of the hidden cultural heritage of the cities, supported by a cross-border digital card and tailored to the visitor, especially the functionally handicapped. "KulTura" will represent the heritage of small towns, combine local offerings, walks and taste experiences in packages, enable digital animations and live encounters with historical figures on the streets, squares and parks of small towns. In Jaska, there will be a visitor center and a pavilion as the central attraction of "kulTure". In Črnomelj, the path of "culture" will be "paved" through the restored historic streets in the city center. 

Link: http://www.fa.uni-lj.si/default.asp?id=3056


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Arhitekturne tipologije in arhitekturne krajine in regije Slovenije