Title: PUT-UP-Istre, Spatial Development concept – hinterland and coastal regions of Istra

Year: 2015-16

Project procurement: The European Regional Development Fund

Project leader - ULFA: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič

Members - ULFA: assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, assist. Janez P. Grom

Partners: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Institute for Spatial Planning of the County of Istra, City of Koper, City of Pula, City of Buzet, Regional Development Center Koper

About the project: The focus of this study was to identify the common interests in the framework of inter-state spatial planning and design. Under the individual expert groups (SLO, CRO) the following fields were addressed in detail: transport, economy, tourism, agriculture and settlement, and nature protection. For each of the fields, first, the existing potentials, problems, and mutual interests were recognised, while in the next phase the potential solutions were produced. The results will be implemented in strategic and implementing documents of both countries.

Link: http://www.put-up-istre.eu/


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