Title: Review and analysis of development visions and–– potentials of Slovenian cities

Year: 2018-19

Project procurement: ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency), MOP (Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning)

Project leader - ULFA: assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak

Members - ULFA: assist. Janez P. Grom, assist. Miha Konjar 

Partners: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

About the project: Spatial management and planning is a reflection of the aspects of civilization, social awareness, endeavours for a maintained, healthy and sustainable environment, and as such a reflection of a culture of every nation. In its spatial development, Slovenia experienced several cut-off periods, which brought the space, its perception and development potential into a critical situation today. The problem is in ignorance of the mechanisms of investments in the spatial development and the absence of interdisciplinary approaches of various professions that plan and manage the space, which leads to the absence of consensus on optimal development directions. The proposed research which records valorizes and determines guidelines for financing the measures of spatial and urban development in a comprehensive and time-unconditioned manner, can exceed the randomness of decision making by bringing its results.

Link: http://www.fa.uni-lj.si/default.asp?id=3086


Analysis of the possibilities for implementation of urban projects with a public-private parntership