International week Ljubljana FROM ROADS TO STREETS  Urban Regeneration for Street Conviviality

Guest lecturers: Dr. Igor Bizjak, Direktor, Urbanistični Inštitut Republike Slovenije (UIRS), Barbara Radovan, Generalna direktorica, direktorat za prostor, graditev in stanovanja, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije (MOP), Paul Lecroart, Planning Agency for the Paris Region (IAU), assoc. Prof. Antonio Longo, Politecnico di Milano, Senior Lecturer, Jesper Magnusson, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University, prof. Janez Koželj, podžupan, Mestna občina Ljubljana, UL, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič, UL, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Dr. Luka Mladenovič, Urbanistični Inštitut Republike Slovenije (UIRS), Dr. Pedro Gomes, Paris School of Planning, assoc. prof. Dr. Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano, assoc. prof. Dr. Hoai Anh Tran, Department for Urban studies, Malmö University, assist. Dr. Matej Nikšič, Urbanistični Inštitut Republike Slovenije (UIRS), assist. prof. Dr. Boštjan Bugarič, Arhitektuul, assist. prof. Dr. Luka Skansi, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Filozofski Fakultet

Tutors University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture: assist. prof. dr. Matevž Juvančič, assist. prof. Primož Hočevar, assist. dr. Špela Verovšek, assist. Aleksander Vujović, assist. Janez P. Grom, assist. Sinan Mihelčič, assist. Nejc Černigoj, Urša Kalčič, Mia Crnič and others

Organizer: Assoc. prof.dr. Alenka Fikfak

Participating institutions:

HAMBURG, Department of Urban Planning, HafenCity University LJUBLJANA, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana MALMÖ, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University MILAN, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano PARIS, Paris School of Planning, Université Paris Est Créteil 


Martina Kleregard, Maša Mlinšek, Anja Slapničar, Antoine Macquet, Peter Grudina, Gregor Boltič, Žiga Mljač, Kristijan Lavtižar, Marjan Gracar, Josephine Karlsson, Mélanie Girault, Klemen Banovec, Anna Hensel, Lamia Karić, Žan Plevnik, Jan Škrjanec, Katarina Kuk, Arian Todorović, Tomislav Krišto, Sandra Davidsson, Louis Riegel, Maria Gusarova, Tjaša Kogovšek, Arta Krasniqi, Katja Frelih, Oskar Mikaelsson, Clement Corrion, Miha Šetina, Maša Blažič, Urška Jernej, Yohanna Andriamanisa , Louise Holmström, Nuša Jerič, Nika Lakovič, Margaux Monzée, Julia Ohlgren, Eric Takman, Dimec Maša, Ginestet Lisa, LIindby Matilda, Majcan Polona, Mervič Urša, Nik Žagar, Luka Jereb, Sebastjan Albauer, Simon Söderlind, Mikaël Dupuy Bourdellës, Martina Kleregard, A. Maša Mlinšek, Anja Slapničar, Antoine Macquet, Peter Grudina, Gregor Boltič, Žiga Mljač, Kristijan Lavtižar, Marjan Gracar, Josephine Karlsson, Melanie Girault, Žan Plevnik, Jan Škrjanec, Klemen Banovec, Lamia Karič.

About the workshop:

The International Week was oriented into development of strategies addressing motorisation of urban public open spaces in aged up urban areas and seek the possible alternative futures as part of urban regeneration strategies. The introductory theoretical framework has put light onto the complexity of turning a car-centred urban open space into a human-oriented one. The uses of public space and pedestrian oriented planning strategies have been closely looked at. The issues of strategic planning, regeneration policies, mobility measures, ownership issues, financial obstacles, urban justice aspects etc. have been addressed. In the form of a Studio work students developed alternative future scenarios for public open spaces of concrete locations in suburban Ljubljana. Each students' group has chosen one type of a typical element of Ljubljana's road/street network. Based on the field analyses each student-team has developed its own urban design concept for the reclamation of public space in the selected area.

Location:  Ljubljana, Slovenia

Year: 2018

Type of workshop:  Urban - international 


Bunker R19


Spotlight of the concrete light