Spregledani prostor

Mentors:  prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, asist. Janez P. Grom, asist. Kristijan Lavtižar

Stundents: Vojan Palčič, Nana Kamenšek, Matic Tavčar, Nejra Kovačević, Vladyslav Kvitka, Manca Gjura Godec, Jana Tomičić, Hana Kedić, Lana Bavcon, Nejc Razpotnik, Uroš Tesić, Živa Valjavec, Ksenja Kozamernik, Vit Balas, Filip Kaufman Konidas, Lara Dea Zorc, Arne Jernej Stare, Filip Živković, Blaž Parežnik, Tadej Gregorič, Tisa Lozej, Vladimir Tripković, Lucija Osolnik, Tea Es

The aim of the workshop was to rediscover the city and recognise hidden urban details. Each student city chose a motif in their own street, which they depicted on a plain white T-shirt. The chosen motif of the street might have been a detail that reveals urban furnishings or a simple texture of the pavement and similar materials. The selected urban element was painted with a washable textile dye and then printed exclusively on a predetermined place of the T-shirt. After the print, the paint was completely cleaned from the street.

Location:  Ljubljana

Year: 2021

Type of workshop:  architectural / urban


Glamping Brezice 14.11.2022


Palindrom newspaper