Stone house

Mentors:  prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, asist. Janez P. Grom

Stundents: Jan Barič, Luka Soban, Lan Babič, Ana Korošec, Nika Lužar, Peter Nemec, Neja Pavlin, Andreja Bobnar, Alma Kropin, Filip Ružić, Ariana Antić, Alin Koroman, Damian Sobol Turina, Katarina Šantić, Lovro Kajapi, Arian Todorovič, Philip von Rüdiger

The aim of the workshop was to apply theoretical knowledge in an experiential way. From the analyzes and project concepts prepared in the classrooms, a group of students reconstructed the destroyed Kažun on one of the Croatian islands. Drywall construction techniques were introduced and construction elements were checked. The Learning by doing process proved to be extremely successful and represented a pilot project for similar implementations and workshops in the coming years.

Location:  Croatia

Year: 2015

Type of workshop:  architectural 


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International Week 2020 – PARIS