Urbanisation of Gracanica

Mentors:  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Urbanism (UL FA), assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, prof. mag. Tadej Glažar, assist. prof. dr. Luka Skansi, assist. Janez P. Grom,  assist. Vid de Gleria, assist. Miha Konjar, Urša Kalčič tech. assist. , University Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Departement for architecture (UKM FTS), assoc. prof. dr. Saja Kosanović, assist. prof. dr. Branislav Folić, assist. Olivera Lekić, assoc. Nenad Nikolić, dr. assist. Nebojša Gadžić

Partners Municipality of Gračanica, Tourist organization of Gračanica


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

Grega boltič, Peter Grudina, Hajdi šinkovec, Aleš švigelj, Marko lazič, Jana benedik, Jan barič, Arta Krasniqi, Djellza Saramati, Andraž podvez, tjaša Kogovšek, Katja Frelih, Katarina Kuk, rok Krznar, Jakob Smrekar, Zala Koleša

University Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Departement for architecture

Stefan Antić, Jelena todorović, Aleksandar crnoglavac, petar petrović, Dragana božović, Filip Mijanović, vildan bajrami, Jovan Femić, Kristina Kasalović, Kristina Stoilković, Milan pešić, Mirjana Živić, petar nešić, petar popović, Andjelija Kostić, Stefana bojković, Marija Dakić, Stefan Živković.

The topic of the workshop “Urbanisation of Gračanica” was, in line with the given thematic starting points, directed at exploration, knowledge, and study of the urban area. Based on the researches workshop pointed out that Gračanica will follow 4 overlapping strategies:

- to allow sustainability to become a decisive factor

- to generate commercial and non-commercial urbanity

- to maintain and simultaneously re-develop the identity of the town centre and its architecture and 

- to protect the cultural heritage which will become the main motif and regulator of a tourist development.

Location: Gračanica

Year: 2018

Type of workshop: Architectural - Urban

Photo credits: Grega boltič, Peter Grudina, Hajdi šinkovec, Aleš švigelj, Marko lazič, Jana benedik, Jan barič, Arta Krasniqi, Djellza Saramati, Andraž podvez, tjaša Kogovšek, Katja Frelih, Katarina Kuk, rok Krznar, Jakob Smrekar, Zala Koleša, Stefan Antić, Jelena todorović, Aleksandar crnoglavac, petar petrović, Dragana božović, Filip Mijanović, vildan bajrami, Jovan Femić, Kristina Kasalović, Kristina Stoilković, Milan pešić, Mirjana Živić, petar nešić, petar popović, Andjelija Kostić, Stefana bojković, Marija Dakić, Stefan Živković.


Free space and traffic design, connectivity, interweaving


IW MILANO – The University and City