Free space and traffic design, connectivity, interweaving

Mentors:  assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, assist. Janez P. Grom, dr. Matej Nikšič, dr. Luka Mladenovič, asist. Miha Konjar, Urša Kalčič, tech. assist.., Marko Lazič, tech. assist.. Aleš Švigelj, tech. assist.

Guest lecturers dr. Matej Nikšič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, dr. Luka Mladenovič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

Students: Taja Fišter, Tjaša Bregar, Neli Zajc, Po-lina Pomortseva, Lanlan Wei, Velenka Herbez, Arman Jafari, Jana Benedik, Urban Vamberger, Jaka Veber, Dalya Mossad, Dolores Lovrić, Matthew Gorenc

Organizers assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

The workshop addressed the developmental opportunities of urban and hinterland areas in the Municipality of Izola and their inter-relations. In the urban part the emphasize was on the issues of urban regeneration in accordance with the contemporary needs of the population and visitors, the gradual transition to a more pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly cityc, the revitalization of degraded and abandoned urban areas, activation of the waterfront area and the establishment of the marine connections, the involvement of residents into the urban revitalization processes, etc. In the hinterland areas of the municipality, the workshop examined the possibilities of new development models in the field of agriculture in order to keep the rural area populated and maintained. On the basis of strategic considerations, concrete projects were proposed.

Location: Izola, Slovenia

Year: 2018/2019

Type of workshop: Architectural - Urban


Urban connectivity in contested spaces and border conditions


Urbanisation of Gračanica