Vodnjan – HR’zone – Design of a tourist resort

Mentors: prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič, assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, doc. dr. Ilka Čerpes, assist. dr. Gregor Čok, assist. Janez P. Grom, assist. Miha Konjar, tech. assist Urša Kalčič

Organizers: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

Students: Tomislav Krišto, Arian Todorović, Alen Kolar, Mateo Zonta, Filip Culjak, Sara Bašić, Oskar Cafuta, Marja Gracar, Zala Koleša, Jan Sečnik, Martin Valinger Sluga, Aleš Švigelj, Marko Lazič, Alma Kropin, Nika Lužar, Alin Koroman, Veronika Batistič, Ines Košenina, Manca Košir, Špela Kra-njec, David Vavtar, Katja Komatar, Peter Kovač, helena Kranjc, Kristjan Lavtižar, Uršula Novak, Pauline Bilas, Peter Grudina in Gašper Pibernik.

The purpose of the workshop was a critical assessment and verification of different variants of spatial development for the purpose of tourist accommodation capacities together with an accompanying programme. The main programme in the area provided for development of a tourist resort through design and site selection of a hotel building(s) as a central complex of the otherwise dispersed system of hotel apartments and villas. Its accompanying programme envisaged the construction of an 18-hole golf course, a spa, tennis courts, and other similar sport areas and programmes fitting within the context of designing tourist resorts. The goal of the workshop was to define the integration of the program-me with the rural space.

Location:  Vodnjan, Croatia

Year: 2015/2016

Type of workshop:  Architectural - Urban

Photo credits:

Project 1 – Oskar Cafuta, Marja Gracar, Zala Koleša, Jan Sečnik, Martin Valinger Slug

Project 2 – Marko Lazić, Aleš Švigelj

Project 3 – Veronika Batistič, Ines Košenina, Manca Košir, Špela Kranjec, David Vavtar

Project 4 – Katja Komatar , Peter Kovač, Helena Kranjc, Kristjan Lavtižar, Uršula Novak


Interior renovation of the Dr. Franc Derganc General Hospital in Nova Gorica


Elements, materials and form 4