Elements, materials and form 4

Mentors:  Doc. dr. Alenka Fikfak, prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič

Organizers: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

Participants: id:doma - Matevž Frančič , Grom arch d.o.o. - Janez p. Grom, UL FGG - asist. Gašper Mrak, SMS Stražišar Mirko, s.p., Lucimaster - Urban Modic, UL FA - doc. dr. Tomaž novljan, Viki Žigon, Urša Kalčič

Stundents: Kaja Krebel, Blažka Sevčnikar, Boštjan Kropinšek, Matic Komel, Lara Baler, Tjaša Barič, Bea Avguštin, Nika Koraca, Lea Oberza, Tjaša Rus, Sanja Daljavec, Mojca Simonič, Lina Skrinjar, Katja Traunšek, Rok Kramarič, Tjaša Kobi, Andrea Jurinčič, Alen Vovk, Peter Nemec, Jan Barič, Ivan Hofman, Bor Kajzer, Tajda Češarek

About the workshop: Creativity is closely connected to empirical method of learning, where the involvement in the experience and thinking proves to be invaluable for broadening and development of the knowledge of an individual, group and all participants. In order to realize the idea of spatial composition, the key issue was to find the appropriate place (FA) and time (limitation to three days of active work). An additional restriction was manual work without the use of a computer, and minimum costs with the possibility of recycling the material already used. Workshop 3 (April 2013): material – white plastic cups; clipping of elements into curves; stacking and folding of surfaces into a composition; making a 3D com-position of a room; finalising the composition of a “leisure room”; shaping the ambient and the individual elements, circle, observation of structure.

Location:  Ljubljana, Slovenia

Year: 2014

Type of workshop:  spatial installation

Photo credits:  Kaja Krebel, Blažka Sevčnikar, Boštjan Kropinšek, Matic Komel, Lara Baler, Tjaša Barič, Bea Avguštin, Nika Koraca, Lea Oberza, Tjaša Rus, Sanja Daljavec, Mojca Simonič, Lina Skrinjar, Katja Traunšek, Rok Kramarič, Tjaša Kobi, Andrea Jurinčič, Alen Vovk, Peter Nemec, Jan Barič, Ivan Hofman, Bor Kajzer


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