Urban connectivity in contested spaces and border conditions

Mentors:  assoc. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, assist. Janez P. Grom, assist. Miha Konjar, tech. assist Urša Kalčič

Organizers: Notre Dame University – Louaize (NDU), the Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design (FAAD), assist. prof. dr. Christine Mady

Students: Lovro Kajapi, Nika Lužar, Alma Kropin, Karmen Slapar, Urša Zupančič, Špela Doles, Neja Pavlin, Majda Selak, Valentina Gjura, Marko Lazič, Aleš Švigelj, Ajda Racman, Kaja Krebel, Ana Korošec

Other participants: Lebanese University (LU), German Jordanian University (GJU), University of Cyprus (UCY), TU Delft – Delft University of Technology, Alexandria Univer-sity (AU), Politecnico di Torino (in coordination with Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, UKIM)

Throughout the city of Beirut, there is a big lack of green spaces so we tend to maintain and add green spaces to the existing area. Adding the green areas also contributes to the value of surrounding districts. In Beirut there is a lack of public spaces in general. In order to create new public spaces, we need to build parking garages. The capacity of the garages must be sufficient to accommodate people’s needs. For this purpose, we regulated the empty spaces between the existing buildings with different typologies. With controlled regulations we completed the morphological structures of the existing buildings; adding interesting public programs gives the districts a special identity. We wanted to maintain the existing green areas and leave room for new ones. We linked green areas from district to district. Construction is first placed on the edge of a district and then to the middle of the district. With such a strategy we separate the public space from traffic roads. We want to create a clean morpho-logical structure and car-free streets that connect public spaces and include a lot of greenery. In this area it is essential to construct garages, depending on the capacity.

Location:  Beirut, Lebanon

Year: 2015/2016

Type of workshop:  Architectural - Urban

Photo credits: Karmen Slapar, Urša Zupančič, Nika Lužar, Valentina Gjura, Ajda Racman, Alma Kropin, Majda Selak, Neja Pavlin, Lovro Kajapi, Marko Lazić, Aleš Švigelj


Elements, materials and form 4


Free space and traffic design, connectivity, interweaving